When Camp Counselors Fall In Love

Jun 25, 2019

You know the movie – boy meets girl at a camp where they’re both working as counselors, they fall in love and he moves across the country to be closer to her? Oh, it’s not a movie yet? Well, it should be because Grace and Elliott’s story would be perfect for the big screen.

One summer, Grace and her friend decided to do something unique and fun for their summer break so they flew to Minnesota to work as councilors at a Christian Bible camp. Elliott, the Minnesota native, was working at the same camp and they were drawn to each other from the very beginning. Naturally, the two fell in love and Elliott ended up getting a teaching job in Arizona so he could move closer to his incredibly sweet girlfriend.

One evening, Grace had worked a particularly long nursing shift (16 hours to be exact!) and after a couple hours of sleep, Elliott told her to get dressed up because he wanted to take her to dinner. Before heading out for the night, they decided to stop by the roof and take a photo since they were all dressed up. When they get up there, he had a romantic spread set up and waiting for them. Her initial reaction had her actually saying, “What the heck?”, but as soon as all the sweet words started leaving Elliott’s mouth, she knew exactly what was happening – she was surprised in the very best way.

Grace and Elliott decided that because family is so incredibly important to them, they are going to plan their wedding in a few short months to ensure Elliott’s military brother will be able to make it. I couldn’t be more excited about their incredible day coming soon! After spending this evening with them in the desert and getting to hear more of their thoughtful story, the coming day is getting so much sweeter.