Vacation in Malibu

Oct 9, 2018

Now that summer is coming to an end, I’m finally getting around to writing about the amazing week we had in Malibu in July. Because my husband and I both have full-time jobs (plus I work 30+ hours a week on Brooke Magee), it rarely works out where we both get to take time off and spend it together, let alone on the beach. Think: no work, the ocean in our backyard, and a big house filled with family. Yup, that’s right my whole family was able to come!

DJ and my bro-in-law, Kaulin would wake up every morning at the crack of dawn (yes, weirdos for not sleeping in on vacation) and they would surf to their heart’s content. The trouble is their hearts are never content with surfing, so after pulling themselves away from the water for a quick breakfast, they’d head back out for another session. I could lay out on the roof with my sisters and a book and we could watch them surfing and try to get our tans on.

At night, my siblings and I alternated who would cook dinner for the fam, we’d stay up late and play games and relax in the hot tub. We were so close to the water that when a big wave would come it would actually splash us in the hot tub. One evening there was a couple guys fishing off the balcony next door. We were watching them from the hot tub as they caught something really big. It ended up being a leopard shark, but when the fishermen released it, it didn’t make it all the way to the water and was struggling on the rocks. My husband—that animal lover him—ran down, picked it up, and threw it in the water and it might be my life regret that I didn’t snap a picture of that. We have swum with sharks before and ran into them a couple times in the water, but a photo of DJ saving a shark’s life—that’s the kind of stuff that melts this girl’s heart.

On our last evening, I got the privilege of taking my twin sister and her husband out for an anniversary session on the beach. What a blast. This was definitely the vacation we needed to help us get through the rest of the year in AZ, far away from the ocean.

Be sure to check out our big family photo below!