The Audubon Phoenix, Arizona, Wedding

Dec 10, 2019

Every once in a while, I get a wedding reception where the speeches completely blow me out of the water. This was one of those weddings that gave a peek into who this couple truly was on the inside. As Katie and Alex sat at the head table with their bridal party on either side of them, there wasn’t a dry eye at the Audubon. Flowers lined the table when Katie’s sister Chrissy stood up and began to tell us about Katie’s lifelong interest in colors.

She shared that Katie has always LOVED colors and was fascinated by them growing up. She went on to reminded us that each color has a complementary color, but she was unsure what the compliment to Katie’s favorite color, periwinkle, was (make sure to check out Katie’s very fitting ring, btw). After a quick google search revealed that sunflower yellow is complementary to periwinkle, she was first surprised that such a vibrant color would have an equally bright companion, but after a second, it made sense. If the complementary color wasn’t vibrant, one color would steal the show and drown out the other. Chrissy’s bubbly personality tied the whole speech together beautifully by relating that Alex is the yellow to Katie’s periwinkle and her compliment in every way. They go together perfectly and add to each other instead of stealing the show. I think everyone who has met them would very much agree, Katie is periwinkle, and Alex is her yellow 🙂

I’m not sure how you follow a speech like that, so well thought out and wound together, but somehow Katie’s dad did (and so effortlessly). He got up and shared that he had a speech all written, but as he sat at the rehearsal dinner the previous night, he got to listen to all their friends talk about why they were drawn to Katie and Alex. He noticed that an overarching theme in every single one of them was their kindness. His speech had been filled with advice on how to treat each other and others, but he concluded after that night they already had that figured out. And I think so, too. These two effortlessly include all those around them and fill everyone’s lives with so much joy.

The toasts were such a standout moment, but the entire day was filled with so much light and happiness as guests who had traveled from all over the WORLD gathered to watch the two of them come together as one.

Specifically, Katie had been so thoughtful with the jewelry pieces she wore for her wedding. Her pearls had been from her mother, her earrings a gift from her grandfather, and her necklace certainly had a significant story. During the ceremony, Katie was ceremoniously gifted a necklace from her new mother-in-law. This is an Indian tradition where the mother passes on the necklace of the family crest to her daughter-in-law, changing the crest a little each time for a special and unique design for the new family.

Katie and Alex, you certainly did deliver on an epic day, including such special connections with your friends and family. I feel like I know you both so well after hearing all these incredible stories about the two of you. Congratulations on your marriage, I am wishing you so much happiness in the coming years.

P.S. Click here to read all about how the sparks flew when Katie and Alex met!





Venue: Audubon Arizona

Photographer: Brooke Magee Photography

Videographer: Jeffery Smiley

Invitations: Paperless Post

Catering: Ensemble, Olaya Catering

Favors: UPrint

Bridal Gown: David’s Bridal

Ring: Shane Co.