Summer Sunset Engagements in Sedona

Amber and Matt met over 10 years ago at a mutual friend’s Halloween party. It’s your age-old story where a masked man meets a vampire and falls in love… okay maybe not so age-old, but an adorable meet-cute for these two!
In the decade since they’re made the most of their time together. They’re both very adventurous and love to explore new hobbies, like music and dance classes (I got a preview of their first dance at the engagement session and can’t wait to see the rest!).
About 6 months ago, on New Year’s Eve, Matt finally surprised Amber with a proposal. To set the scene, they rode razors to Champion Point in Rocky Point, Mexico. The last stretch was tough to get to, so they almost gave up, but Matt encouraged them to keep going since they were so close. They finally reached the summit and were overlooking the ocean when Matt dropped down onto one knee. What a perfect way to ring in the new year!
Matt and Amber, I love your adventurous spirit and had the best time exploring some new locations in Sedona with you! Thank you for making your session so fun and full of laughter, I can’t wait to laugh with you again on your wedding day!