Rainy Arizona Senior Session

Feb 5, 2019

Aimee stood under her umbrella with the rain beating down on it, we were all shivering a little on this cold February evening, but you would never tell looking at the photos of this gorgeous girl striking her confident poses. Aimee was such a trooper and didn’t complain once about the crazy Arizona weather. It had been a gloomy weekend and this particular morning had been calm until, of course, the session started. I am so grateful it did rain because of everything it added to Aimee’s senior session!

We started out in her childhood neighborhood. This was the place she has lived most of her life since her family moved there when she was little, and I thought it was an incredibly sweet tribute to the place that she grew up since it will be a part of her story forever.

Not only is Aimee one of this year’s prettiest graduates, but she’s also one of the smartest! She is TWO WEEKS from graduating from her charter school and I am beyond excited for her. This is such a time of freedom for her as she chooses where she wants to live for the next few years and what school she wants to attend (she has so many options she’s still deciding between, including University of Arizona and a school in Dallas)!

One of the reasons she has so many options is because of what a well-rounded student she is. Her charter school specialized in math and science specifically (which she has always excelled in), but on top of her academics, she manages time to play golf and take lessons!

Aimee, it was an honor to capture such an exciting time in your life. Best of luck wherever you decide to go next, you deserve a lifetime of happiness!