Downtown Prescott, Arizona Engagement Session

French Quarter, Mardi Gras, and a never-ending nightlife all make New Orleans one of the world’s most sought after places for a good time. Little did Jennifer know, this trip was forever going to be one of her new favorite memories.
She was visiting with her boyfriend J.R. for one of their friend’s 30th birthday. They all went out to eat at a romantic restaurant, lit only by candles and embellished with rose petals. Jennifer turned around to tease their friend that this had all been done for his birthday, but as she turned back around, she saw the real reason for the romance. J.R. was down on one knee, asking her to be his wife!
He had only told a couple of their friends so the proposal would be a complete surprise and she truly had no idea. When she recounted this story, she told me that her brain had just turned to mush and she made him ask her again because she had been waiting so long to hear those very words come out of his mouth.
Of course, she said yes and all their friends were there to see the proposal and celebrate them in a big way afterward! After dating for six years, they had all been anticipating this happy night.
Eight years earlier, J.R. was the manager where she was working as a waitress. They had both been dating other people, so they hadn’t thought of being together at the time. But a couple of years later (and both working new jobs) the pair reconnected and found the timing was right to start dating.
I can’t think of a better place to commemorate this season of their lives than beautiful downtown Prescott. Since J.R. used to live here, the pair travels here a lot – it’s even the first place he told her he loves her, so it’s a special part of their story. Their effortless talent in front of the camera and their hilarious personalities have me eagerly anticipating their wedding day this winter at Lindsay Grove!