Dahl Family Photos + Fun Facts

Nov 27, 2018

I’m so lucky that these 4 cuties graced my camera for their annual Christmas card. It was an evening for adventure between the ducks and bunnies at Riparian preserve, and the boys were so excited about all the animals that they did so well during the photos! We even used the animals to our advantage because the best smilier got to go look at them.

We know this family well because Allie is my cousin! It’s always so fun to take my family’s photos because I know just how to make the little boys smile and it relieves some of the stress they might be feeling already knowing me. Because of that, here are 5 fun facts about me so that you can feel like you know me before our next session.

1. I am a twin! Yes, we’re identical. Yes, we’re close. No, we can’t read each other’s mind. Don’t worry, I will never send her to a session in my place!

2.My guilty pleasure is soft pretzels and cheese. I can eat this combo for every meal.

3. I am also a graphic designer. I work for a branding company where we design everything from logos to websites.

4. Soda of choice? Dr. Pepper.

5. I fell in love with photography while living in Hawaii so I could take pictures of my husband surfing.

I hope this helps you feel like you know me a little more! Dahl family, I am so grateful that you believe in me and my dreams. Enjoy these highlights from our time together!