Cave Creek Saguaro Engagement Session

They say doing something for 10,000 hours makes you an expert, and if that’s the case, Ariane and Ted are pros at two things: each other and World of Warcraft.
When I sat down with this duo over Starbucks to chat about their wedding plans, Ariane estimated that they had spent about this much time playing WOW together. This is where they had met online and actually fell in love playing, so there is something a little extra special about this game to the two of them.
When their dating life came away from the screen, though, it was nothing short of romantic. Sedona became their place. This is where they love to go together, gaze up at the sky and watch shooting stars fly over Bell Rock. So, when it came time to propose, Ted knew he had something special to incorporate because they ALWAYS saw shooting stars there!
Ted hid the ring in his wallet (because Ariane is super observant and would have definitely noticed a ring box). They drove up to Sedona and waited, but they didn’t see a single shooting star. Ted started to stress, – he knew his wallet wasn’t the safest place for such a gorgeous ring, but he had planned on proposing when they saw a shooting star! He was not going to give up, he would wait there all night if he had to, but Ariane was ready to go and didn’t understand why he was being so insistent on staying.
Eventually, he told her to close her eyes and make a wish. When she opened them, he was down on one knee, a Kentucky sapphire ring in his hand (her dream) and asking the very question she had *just* wished for.
Their sweet love story and attention for detail have me so excited to celebrate their wedding with them in just a few short months. Congratulations, you guys! Thanks for bringing SO MUCH FUN to this session!