Arizona Police Engagement Session

Imagine being surrounded by flowers in San Fransisco’s botanical gardens. Even more amazing, a greenhouse filled to the brim with orchids in bloom of all colors and sizes. Sounds perfect, right? Well, imagine going on a particularly sweltering day in the Bay and entering the greenhouse to instantly be covered in sweat. What’s a guy (who planned the most romantic proposal of all time, btw) to do?
When Jared realized the greenhouse just wasn’t going to be as romantic as he hoped, the duo started heading towards the exit to escape the heat. His heart started pumping realizing the moment was slipping away – he knew McKenna would adore the Botanical Gardens and a ring on her finger would make the day even more memorable. They were so close to the exit now, he could almost see it. He realized it was now or never and he led McKenna down a little side trail. She began to ask how they were supposed to get out and Jared replied he had a more important question for her. When she turned around, he was down on one knee, asking her to be his wife.
Major props for thinking on his feet to create the perfect proposal for McKenna. While she had her suspicions he was going to propose, she had no idea when and he caught her by surprise.
I cannot think of a couple more caring and deserving of one another. In fact, this is the exact word Jared used when asked how he knew McKenna was the one – she’s kind and caring. To her students, to him, to everyone. Their jobs certainly portray the heart they have for other people: McKenna is an elementary school teacher and Jared is a police officer. Together, they love and serve others every day.
When McKenna told me they wanted to incorporate his uniform into their session, I was thrilled to document such a big piece of their lives. I can’t wait for you to scroll through some highlights from their beautiful desert session in Mesa, Arizona.