A Photo Swap With Ivy Lane

Nov 26, 2019

The sun shone down perfectly on the lake, the mountains turning purple in the distance. You can hear the intro to The Circle Of Life playing softly all around you, and Ivy and Mario victoriously hold their pups up on top of the rocks. Okay, okay, maybe there was no music playing, but Gus and Mazzy were held proudly in the sky – a Thurber family Christmas Card tradition!

It is always so fun to capture fellow photographers with their families, but even more special to swap photos with one of your best friends. My sweet friend Ivy is the type of friend I get to share dinners with, join for work dates, and even host the most fun sleepovers of all time. I even share a favorite comedian with this girl (Heather McMahan, we’re coming for you in a couple short months)! Yup, she’s awesome to be around and an incredible wedding and food photographer.

Now, our handsome husbands are similar in that they don’t love photos as we do. I get a generous quota every year to have one family session, and since we both have pups we love like children, we KNEW we had to incorporate them into this year’s photos.

Ivy, I absolutely love how you captured our little family (especially the water shots!). Thank you for these precious memories, I already have one blown up huge and hanging on my wall. And thank you for sharing this moment with us and allowing me to capture your sweet fam. We love you guys!!