Peach Blossom Engagement Session

Feb 12, 2019

Her heels were sinking into the mud as they danced through the peach blossoms, and there wasn’t a care in the world. She was in her fiancé’s arms and they were having the time of their lives. As they twirled, my shutter clicked, capturing all the magic of this evening to live on in their legacy.

Nothing in life is just ordinary for these two. If fact, Naomi told me “We’re not traditional” when talking about her gorgeous BLACK DIAMOND ring! She said it simply, Alex’s favorite color is blue and hers is black, so he got her an engagement ring that incorporated both of their favorite things.

If you’re not already melting, wait until you hear how he proposed! I got the scoop first hand and am so happy I did otherwise I might not believe how thoughtful and personal this moment was for the two of them. Alex is a tech guy and enjoys building things and figuring out how they work. Well, when he knew Naomi was the one, he built her an exploding box—when you lift the lid, all the walls fall down. Each layer was filled with notes, memories, photographs of their dating life, etc. The last box was a tiny box. She said it took her a moment to register what might be in that box, but when she did she knew what came in a tiny box! Inside the final box was a gorgeous, unique, black diamond ring!

Naomi & Alex, you two are so fun to be around and I know you have gorgeous plans in the works! I’m counting down until your wedding day!