Prescott Resort Fairytale Wedding

Jul 2, 2018

Flowers lined the aisle, pink and white rose petals galore on both sides. They were standing under the gazebo, holding hands, looking into each other’s eyes. He recited his vows first and now it was her turn. Erica turns to the audience (who is currently holding back tears from Killian’s beautiful promises) and says, “well, you’re about to see how in sync we really are.” The crowd begins to laugh as she recites her own vows, which also mention the Backstreet Boys and promises of not getting too hangry with each other. Just in case everyone didn’t already know, these two are perfect for each other!

Killian woke up early that morning because he was so excited he couldn’t sleep. When I asked Erica if she was nervous, she said
“no, just excited!” This Prescott Resort wedding was for two people who were so obviously in love and couldn’t wait to marry each other.

Erica and her three bridesmaids planned every idea so thoughtfully, down to the last detail. One of my favorite things she incorporated was honoring the couple’s family members who couldn’t be there. Since a wedding day can be so hard for those who have lost someone, I love how they paid tribute to those loves in their lives who couldn’t be present physically. In the front row, there were 4 seats reserved with signs of who they were for, by name, that couldn’t be there. Her bridal bouquet even had a charm that used to belong to her grandmother. Her Grandma had slept with it under her pillow every night with the belief that it kept her safe and Erica honored her by holding it close all day.

While there was thoughtfulness in every last detail, these two really focused on making the day fun and enjoyable for their guests. Let’s just say their walk together back up the aisle featured lots of confetti and cheering. The wind couldn’t hold us back while we celebrated the night away with this couple as husband and wife.

At the reception, Killian gave a heartfelt toast thanking everyone who was a part of their day and mentioned that he was cherishing having all his friends and family all together because he didn’t know the next time that would happen. As he was retelling their love story, we were hanging onto every word and when he said “I loved her for years before she even knew I existed” I think everyone had a little glisten in their eyes. It was during this moment I thought a movie should definitely be made about these two because that line right there sounds like it’s straight out of a Nicholas Sparks book!

Erica & Killian, I’m so happy for you that you found happiness in each other. I hope you continue to make one another smile every day, just like you did this very special day. I’m so honored that I got to help capture these smiles for eternity and that I got to be a part of the most important promise in your lives. We’re all cheering you on!