Riparian Preserve at Water Ranch Family Session(s)

Jun 11, 2018

Young families, grandparents, and everything in between were my subjects last weekend and it could not have been more fun. Seriously, working with the Camou family was a fairytale and they all got along so nicely, which isn’t always easy in a big group! This evening was spent capturing individual photos of young families, children, couples and any other combo you can think up! Saturday evening was pretty much a session marathon grabbing every family’s pictures, but it was so natural for them.

And then… the group photo. Because everyone was so optimistic and cooperative the group photo went seamlessly. You would think that trying to coordinate 40 people would be the hardest part of the day, but they all got together nice and tight and flashed me their best smiles.

Their plan was brilliant: every year they have a family reunion and this year they decided they wanted some photos to document how cute they are. I’m so glad they loaded up their vans and made the trek from Tucson to see each other and capture the memories family reunion 2018.

Camou family,
Thank you for your cooperation and your kind words after seeing how dreamy you are in photos. I can’t wait for these to hang on your walls for years to come!
